Sunday, October 21, 2007

No me gusta blogger. Why can't I move these pictures? Argh.

Our dear friends Mike and Aileen left last week. At our high school retreat the students presented them with a gift and told them how much they will be missed...and they truly will be.

Yesterday we went out to the campo with the family of one of chad's students for a barebeque. They have a lot of animals and a really cool nest hanging on their porch. Sage had a blast at the pond (or should I say swamp-like mud hole?). It always feels great to get away from the city for a while. Our friend Molly came with us. She teaches fourth grade and does our missions books..yay for Molly!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Hi all. I can't seem to figure out how to format my pictures on this thing, and I have already lost the picture of Ian twice, so I am not going to download it again. Anyway, this is Jack. He always does this cute jumpy thing and flaps his arms when he's excited about trying to catch a butterfly or happily telling me some fact about beetles.